Celebrating & empowering Australian cafes.

Tell your whole story.

We know there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to running a cafe. We want to celebrate the stories behind them.

Why did you start your cafe? What does your community mean to you? How do you want people to feel at your cafe?

That’s what we want to share with the world.

We hope to use these stories to connect customers authentically with their local cafes.

Want us to tell your story?

> Contact us

> Our partner cafes

Join the Rewards Network

After hearing your story, we want our followers to visit your store and become loyal customers of it!

That’s what the coffeepass rewards network is about.

We give our followers discounts to come into your store -- so it costs you nothing to be part of it!

We just need to set you up with a store iphone, which you can use to scan coffepass cards on customers’ phones, which they have prepaid for.

So, at the end of every week, we’ll pay you out for all the coffees that were redeemed at your store through our network.

> Contact us

Case Study


We worked with a independent cafe in Williamsburg, New York, in August 2023.

Within 1 month, they were able to acquire 60 active subscribers, paying $15 USD / week, increasing their weekly revenue by 40% , without dropping their profitability.

They were able to build predictability into their revenue, communicate with their customers, and the customer love was undeniable.





Total Subscribers


Increase in weekly revenue


Retention of Subscribers

Customer Testimonials

Enjoying it immensely. I live super close to the pass comes handy :)”

Thank you so much for bringing this concept to life! My coffee pass is something I look forward to throughout the week.”

The coffee pass is a wonderful idea even my husband thinks so. He was very intrigued haha.”

I LOVE the coffee pass. I’ve told so many friends about it and I hope it can continue because it’s a great deal.”

Your plan to use the pass at different cafes sounds like an absolute dream.”

© 2024 Coffee Pass, Inc.

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